Le 05/04/2017 à 09:31, Côme HUGUIES a écrit :
I'm Côme (Skylsmoi) and I am working with Kelson (from Kiwix) on the mwoffliner. I am trying to mirror locally every js and css resources from original articles for an offline use.
Hello all,
I'm working with Skylsmoi on the project. The global question we are trying to answer is : "how to get the exhaustive list of ressources required by a given wikimedia page". The example Skylsmoi worked on is the page of Lyon city - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyon
The problem is that the page depends on some modules which depends on some other modules which... a recursive dependency workflow based on javascript dynamic code. So... it is pretty impossible to get the fully exhaustive dependency list without to execute the javascript code itself.
As you may (or may not) know, kiwix is the project that target to allow to mirror some wikimedia-based website in order to give access offline. mwoffliner (the module we are working on) is in charge of downloading all required stuff. That's why we try to get the exhaustive list.
/Kelson/ initially pointed us to the load.php endpoint which returns some dependancies... unfortunatelly, it does not return all dependencies (or we do not use it the right way).
Better than to reverse-engineer the entire wikimedia source code, asking for ideas / directions here, on the mailing list can help. (or even if the response is "it's impossible" will help)
Thanks in advance for any help you can give us.
Have a great day.