Hi Platonides, thank you very much for your clear explanation.
PM Poon
On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 2:46 AM, Platonides Platonides@gmail.com wrote:
Ekompute .info wrote:
Hi Platonides, thank you for your reply. I have done it and it works for Dummipedia.org but not for JBDirectory.com. I wonder why. Could it be because of pr_type="edit"? I am wondering whether that clause is
and what it actually does.
PM Poon
$wgExtraRandompageSQL is just a WHERE clause. Here I am just adding it to the rerandoming SQL to help giving an even randomness to all articles.
The query
select count(*) from page_restrictions where pr_page=page_id and
pr_type="edit" is used to select only pages protected for edit (new system protection only).
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