Hi folks!
Installed mediawiki this morning, all is running well... the only problem I have is, that I'm not able to alter predefined text-parts.
I just wanted to add some text to last modified section at the bottom of the page... I opened "Language.php" and inserted some words at line 302 'lastmodified' => "bla bla bla This page..."
Saving the file does not change anything though!
Yes, I cleared my browser's cache... I also had a look at the mailing list archives but couldn't find any help.
Generally I found out, that Costumizing mediawiki is not documented very well, though I had a look at lots of ressources.
Are there any How-To documents on doing that? Further it would be interesting, how to modify the navigation blocks...
Tried modifying xhtml_slim.pt. no effect. Also modified SkinPHPTal.php without any effects...
It's a pity... mediawiki is wonderful, but customizing should be much easier!
can anybody help?
kind regards, j.
Juergen Jessenig | jessenig@sofastar.at <