Jeffery, Thanks for being helpful -- I appreciate your helpfulness. This mailing list is the mechanism listed by the authors for this extension to receive help and file bug reports. The Mediawiki version I am using is included within the explicitly supported versions of the extension. Therefore, I have encountered some kind of bug. If you cannot help me resolve this bug yourself, please stay out of the conversation from here on out so that someone with specific knowledge on the topic may assist. Thank you.
On Thu, Jun 24, 2021 at 5:41 PM otheus uibk <> wrote:
> OK, so you get error stack-traces in a *debug* log, and in the error log you get warning notices? *facepalm*
> I have a stack-trace which may be relevant.
> [error] [YNT6JB0y@yYaYYse7zE8PgAAAIc] /neulatein/index.php?title=Spezial:XML_anzeigen&categories%5BLBI-Authors%5D=on&namespaces%5B0%5D=on ErrorException from line 139 of /sites/ PHP Notice: Undefined index: 0505261
> #0 $IP/local/extensions/DataTransfer/includes/DT_PageStructure.php(139): MWExceptionHandler::handleError(integer, string, string, integer, array)
> #1 $IP/local/extensions/DataTransfer/includes/DT_PageStructure.php(26): DTPageStructure->parsePageContents(string)
> #2 $IP/local/extensions/DataTransfer/includes/specials/DT_ViewXML.php(138): DTPageStructure::newFromTitle(Title)
> #3 $IP/local/extensions/DataTransfer/includes/specials/DT_ViewXML.php(230): DTViewXML->getXMLForPage(Title, NULL)
> #4 $IP/local/extensions/DataTransfer/includes/specials/DT_ViewXML.php(22): DTViewXML->doSpecialViewXML(NULL)
> #5 $IP/includes/specialpage/SpecialPage.php(565): DTViewXML->execute(NULL)
> #6 $IP/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(568): SpecialPage->run(NULL)
> #7 $IP/includes/MediaWiki.php(288): SpecialPageFactory::executePath(Title, RequestContext)
> #8 $IPincludes/MediaWiki.php(861): MediaWiki->performRequest()
> #9 $IP/includes/MediaWiki.php(524): MediaWiki->main()
> #10 $IP/index.php(42): MediaWiki->run()
> #11 {main}
> That index is very suspicious. Perhaps the page content is so big that it triggers some kind of numeric overflow?
It looks like (to me) this is the problem:
PHP Notice: Undefined index ...
The extension needs to be updated for the version of PHP and Mediawiki
you are using.
I would disable it in LocalSettings.php until the author updates it.
Or, if you know PHP, you can fix it yourself.
Also see and .
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