Andreas Meyer wrote:
I installed AddMetas.php and get this in the error-logfile of Apache:
Undefined variable: parser in /vwww/insilence/root/extensions/AddMetas.php on line 25 Trying to get property of non-object in /vwww/insilence/root/extensions/AddMetas.php on line 25
The function in AddMetas.php looks like this:
function wfAddMetas( &$out, &$text ) { global $wgTitle, $wgParser, $wgRequest, $action; if( $action !== 'edit' && $action !== 'history' && $action !== 'delete' && $action !== 'watch' && strpos( $parser->mTitle->mPrefixedText, 'Special:' ) === false && $parser->mTitle->mNamespace !== 8 ) { $name = $wgTitle->getPrefixedDBKey();
$out->addMeta( 'Description', 'you meta description'); $out->addMeta( 'Keywords', $name.', your meta keywords' ); //$out->addMeta( 'Author', 'the author'); //$out->addMeta( 'Rating', 'General'); //$out->addMeta( 'Revisit', '1 DAYS'); //$out->addMeta( "revisit-after", "5 days");
} return true; }
I am not a PHP-specialist. What is wrong?
Change $parser-> with $wgParser-> Although the way it uses is not a very good one.