Hi all!

When developing the Revision Slider extension [1] earlier this year, we (at Wikimedia Germany) have learned quite some things about making extensions and gadgets accessible for RTL language users. We have just published the write up [2] summarizing what we've discovered.
We hope people developing new and existing tools, and in general developers sensitive to RTL accessibility issues will find these notes interesting and/or helpful.

Please note that this write up is a summary of lessons learned in the case of this particular extension. It was not meant to serve as a general and extensive guidelines or manual on these topics (there already are docs on Directionality Support on mediawiki.org [3] which I can only recommend).

Any comments are welcome!

[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RevisionSlider
[2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RevisionSlider/Developing_a_RTL-accessible_feature_in_MediaWiki_-_what_we%27ve_learned_while_creating_the_RevisionSlider
[3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Directionality_support

Leszek Manicki
Software Developer

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