Kartik Mistry, 06/01/2015 14:33:
To the right list, if not done yet.
Thanks. Let's continue here.
(2nd attempt to post, sorry if this is a duplicate.)
We're starting to use the translate extension on our wiki ( http://oer.educ.cam.ac.uk).
Is this the right list to post a question on?
Good enough, but we can also continue on this list (mediawiki-i18n) or https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension_talk:Translate or phabricator reports or whatever public venue you prefer. :)
My question is: If you are going from one translated page (e.g. base page in en, translated page in fr) to another page (in en) that has a translation for the same language (fr), can you automatically stay in this language? I.e. if you on [[A/fr]] you click on [[B]], can are you automatically taken to [[B/fr]]?
Yes. Have you read the "Links" row in https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:Translate/Page_translation_adm... ? If it's not clear enough, please let us know. MediaWiki's assumption is that the French-speaking user of your example would also like to have the interface in French and to always read pages in French whenever possible.
If you want some different workflow, e.g. * read in French but keep interface in English, or * usually read in French but continue reading in English if I started reading in English, then you'd need to make the links yourself with a template.
There seems to be some provisions for this, but it's not clear to me.
Also, is it possible to add "languages" - for us it's not so much different languages, but we're creating localised versions of a teacher education resource for different contexts (which are mainly English-speaking), which involves replacing things like "Zambia" with "Rwanda", but also more complex adaptations.
Yes, it's possible. https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgExtraLanguageNames If the language in question has an ISO 639-3 code, please share any *software* translation with us, by performing it on translatewiki.net. https://translatewiki.net/wiki/Translatewiki.net_languages
Our resource is quite complex (e.g. extensive use of templates, and semantic mediawiki) see http://oer.educ.cam.ac.uk/wiki/OER4Schools - would somebody with MLEB experience be happy to have a chat to see whether MLEB is the right tool?
I'm extremely interested in hearing of your use case (an OER wiki), the more you tell us about it the merrier!