That will be great, if the system (on any wiki) knows to use that font whenever the alphabet is being used in its Italic form.

Once we get hold of the most suitable font, I'll attach it here, together with any technical specifications the typographer may include (I also think he'll be able to answer any questions himself). Then we hope that you'll take matters in your expert hands, and/or guide us as to what we need to submit where.

Thanks a lot!

On 29 January 2016 at 15:55, Federico Leva (Nemo) <> wrote:
Bojan Jankuloski, 29/01/2016 15:47:
May I ask if it will be possible to display them everywhere when using
Macedonian as interface language, or just on our wiki?

ULS fonts are applied on any MediaWiki wiki which uses ULS, but settings may differ on the exact circumstances.


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Главен програмски раководител I Chief Program Manager
Споделено знаење I Shared Knowlege
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