Hello again, 

Just a reminder that the presentation of BlueSpice is taking place today at 6PM UTC. 

The meeting will be held via Netviewer. To  participants just follow the link below and you will be prompted to download a client software for the session. 

See you there. 


On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 1:29 PM, Maria Miteva <mariya.miteva@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Richard Heigl and Markus Glaser from Hallo Welt! in Germany will present their MediaWiki enterprise distribution BlueSpice on Feb 26 at 6PM UTC. 

The meeting will be held via Netviewer. To  participants just follow the link below and you will be prompted to download a client software for the session. 

I will send a reminder before the meeting. 
