This question was actually the result of reading Ryan Lane's post about converting from MoinMoin to MediaWiki. I was wondering if it would be interesting for people to have better conversion tools or at least better documentation of previous effort or is it somthing that happens rather rarely or is very much case-to-case specific. Currently the documetation seems quite scarse. 


On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 8:59 PM, David Gerard <> wrote:
On 21 February 2013 18:25, Greg Grossmeier <> wrote:
> <quote name="David Gerard" date="2013-02-21" time="17:01:24 +0000">

>> That said, whenever I hear of someone trying to convert another wiki
>> engine to MediaWiki - or away from MW to something else - I encourage
>> them to add their work to so others can build on it.

> Just a quick note here (not sure where to put it on, Ryan
> Lane just converted the OpenStack wiki from moinmoin to MW:
> - started by me after my one
single conversion.
is where to list this stuff.

- d.

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