On Tuesday June 9th, join us to discuss lessons-learned, share open-source software, and explore opportunities for collaborative development agreements on expanding and improving knowledge management tools. This includes but is not limited to extensions for MediaWiki and other wiki platforms. We'd like to invite everyone ranging from software developers and system administrators to end users and managers. NASA's Johnson Space Center is teaming with the Technology Collaboration Center of Houston to host this event.

Our preliminary agenda includes (but is not limited to):

If you are interested in attending, please register so we can finalize the logistics including room size. If you would like to present a relevant topic, please contact us with the details.

Register at http://www.tcc-houston.org/knowledge-management-technologies.html

We may offer the ability to remotely participate. If you are unable to travel to Houston and would like more information, please contact us.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at enterprisemediawiki@gmail.com


