---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Mark A. Hershberger" <mah@everybody.org>
Date: Feb 25, 2013 10:03 AM
Subject: [Wikitech-l] Release policy
To: "Wikimedia developers" <wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org>

> After the discussion last week, I want to scope out a release policy so
> that we'll all know what to expect.
> * A major release will be made every six months.
> * An LTS release will be made every two years.  There will be a one-year
> overlap in LTS support.  For example, 1.19 is supported until May 2015.
> 1.23 will be released the year before that so that people will have 1.23
> available as an LTS to move to and a year to make the transition.
> * Releases notes will continue to be the basis for seeing what has
> changed.  Because of the nature of a volunteer-driven project, it isn't
> possible to say with any certainty what *will* happen in the next 6-12
> months.
> * To mitigate the problem of release notes, we will publish a list of
> new features in the upcoming LTS relative to the last LTS six months
> before it comes out.  This means that about the time when 1.22 comes
> out, we'll have an announcement for 1.19 users letting them know what
> changes they can expect in 1.23.
> * Point releases will be made periodically.  Frequency TBD.  Every point
> release will include updated i18n files as well as any bug fixes.  No
> new features will be back-ported to point releases.
> Thanks,
> Mark.
> --
> http://hexmode.com/
> There is no path to peace. Peace is the path.
>    -- Mahatma Gandhi, "Non-Violence in Peace and War"
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