Hi all,

The MediaWiki Core team is having the first of its fortnightly scoping meetings. The intent of these meetings is to take a piece of work that the MediaWiki Core team is considering undertaking and discussing it.

By the end of the meeting, the project should have:
* A description of the project and how it affects its end users
* A list of well defined stakeholders
* A proposed solution (roughly speaking; this will not be binding)
* An assessment of the difficulty of the project
* An assessment of the priority of the project

Some of these (e.g. difficulty assessment) are relative to other projects, and only start to make sense once you've got a few projects on the list. That's okay, we'll get to that stage eventually.

In the first meeting, we will be discussing the recent problems with the job queue length. The length of the job queue has been increasing, and this has a lot of effects on the end users of our wikis. What can we do about it? Let's discuss.

The meeting will be on Tuesday 6th May at 4pm. I'll invite a few relevant parties, but ultimately the meeting is open to everyone so if you want to come then please do! If you're remote, ping me and I can invite you to the hangout.


Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager for Platform
Wikimedia Foundation