On 7 October 2014 11:07, Greg Grossmeier <greg@wikimedia.org> wrote:
MW Core has a scope, see the responsibilities that Chris quoted. It's just that the scope doesn't matter when a C-level comes along and says "Erik (now Damon), we need X by Y, please do it." That request rarely (if ever, I've never seen it) goes to any other team than MW Core. I've never see Editing or Flow or Mobile or Multimedia take on things like an IEG review system. Ever.

I agree. Something's badly broken here.

However, that's not to say that the Mobile doesn't have stuff thrown on it that isn't its responsibility. The requests are not totally unrelated like the IEG thing, but they do come along. However, the Mobile Apps process allows us to reject this work as being outside of scope due to what I described above.

I still think that ironing out the internal scope disagreement is the first step. Then you can move from there. :-)


Dan Garry
Associate Product Manager, Mobile Apps
Wikimedia Foundation