I'm not a MediaWiki user myself but had a request to support publishing of content from our documentation software to MediaWiki. I found the API docs and I downloaded version 1.12 today and have been experimenting with the API.
I noticed that the API does not yet support editing or creating pages or uploading of images in version 1.12. I would like to support publishing content to MediaWiki so I'm interested in what the roadmap is for the API. I read a post in the archives about edit/create being worked on, but didn't see any news about image upload. Any information the developers can share about this?
Hi Trevor.
MediaWiki 1.13, which is expected to be released within a few weeks, will contain support for editing in the API.
You can find the draft of the RELEASE NOTES in our SVN repository[1]. Look for the header "API changes in 1.13".
Cheers! Siebrand
[1] http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/RELEASE-NOTES?view=ma rkup
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht----- Van: mediawiki-api-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:mediawiki-api-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] Namens Trevor DeVore Verzonden: donderdag 10 juli 2008 0:18 Aan: mediawiki-api@lists.wikimedia.org Onderwerp: [Mediawiki-api] API Roadmap?
I'm not a MediaWiki user myself but had a request to support publishing of content from our documentation software to MediaWiki. I found the API docs and I downloaded version 1.12 today and have been experimenting with the API.
I noticed that the API does not yet support editing or creating pages or uploading of images in version 1.12. I would like to support publishing content to MediaWiki so I'm interested in what the roadmap is for the API. I read a post in the archives about edit/create being worked on, but didn't see any news about image upload. Any information the developers can share about this?
-- Trevor DeVore
On Jul 9, 2008, at 6:29 PM, Siebrand Mazeland wrote:
Hi Trevor.
MediaWiki 1.13, which is expected to be released within a few weeks, will contain support for editing in the API.
You can find the draft of the RELEASE NOTES in our SVN repository[1]. Look for the header "API changes in 1.13".
Thanks for the link Siebrand. It looks like 1.13 will have significant improvements to the API. I noticed an entry for deleting images but didn't see any entries relating to image upload. Are there plans to add image upload soon or is that a little lower on the list?
Hi Trevor,
Have a look at this branch, the upload image feature has been developed, and will be included in the trunk soon. http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/branches/ApiEdit_Vodafone/ Cheers,
Rosana Anglés
-----Mensaje original----- De: mediawiki-api-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:mediawiki-api-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] En nombre de Trevor DeVore Enviado el: jueves, 10 de julio de 2008 4:11 Para: MediaWiki API announcements & discussion Asunto: Re: [Mediawiki-api] API Roadmap?
On Jul 9, 2008, at 6:29 PM, Siebrand Mazeland wrote:
Hi Trevor.
MediaWiki 1.13, which is expected to be released within a few weeks, will contain support for editing in the API.
You can find the draft of the RELEASE NOTES in our SVN repository[1]. Look for the header "API changes in 1.13".
Thanks for the link Siebrand. It looks like 1.13 will have significant improvements to the API. I noticed an entry for deleting images but didn't see any entries relating to image upload. Are there plans to add image upload soon or is that a little lower on the list?
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Angles, Rosa Ana, VF-ES (rangles) schreef:
Hi Trevor,
Have a look at this branch, the upload image feature has been developed, and will be included in the trunk soon.
Well "soon" is relative :D . I've got some other stuff to do before I get to uploading, it'll be a huge job to support uploads properly, without error messages in HTML.
Roan Kattouw (Catrope)
On Jul 10, 2008, at 9:30 AM, Roan Kattouw wrote:
Angles, Rosa Ana, VF-ES (rangles) schreef:
Have a look at this branch, the upload image feature has been developed, and will be included in the trunk soon.
Well "soon" is relative :D . I've got some other stuff to do before I get to uploading, it'll be a huge job to support uploads properly, without error messages in HTML.
I will keep an eye on things and start experimenting with the API again once upload is added to the trunk.
Trevor DeVore