thanks for your reply. After looking again for issue on this problem, I search on the curl part.
Every thing seems good with API and wiki. I have check and utf8 is correct on side mysql db and when I edit the page.
I have test to modify my page with the module urlparam from firefox and suceed in writing test à é
I guess that my problem is coming from the encoding on the curl side.
I have an old version of curl and ask for an upgrade in order to use data-urlencode option.
It may be quiet long for my society to install an update of curl (might dependencies problems) but I will check and try to advertise you about the issue.
On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 07:22, Sylvain GOUJON <gouje.systemes@gmail.com> wrote:Yes, it's probably related to character sets. You need to make sure
> Hi everybody,
> I ask here for help. Hope this is the right place. I searched for issues for
> my problem on the web but unsuccesfully at time.
> I have installed a mediawiki and use API.php in an ksh script with curl to
> update my wiki
> It works fine except for accents.
> I have realised many tests but no one succeed.
> exemple of the probleme . I have this character.
> "Cette page est mise � jour automatiquement"
> I have n problem with accent when I update the page normally"
> Do you have an idea for my problem ? Charset?
> here is the curl request i send
> curl --dump-header headers.txt --progress-bar -g --header "Accept-Language:
> fr;Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
> charset=utf-8;Connection: Keep-Alive" --user-agent "test/upload" -b
> "format=xml&action=edit&title=${PAGE2EDIT}&text=$(cat ${WIKITABLE
> 2IMPORT})&token=${EDIT_TOKEN}" ${WIKI_URL}/api.php
that everything you're using (ksh, curl, MediaWiki, and so on) is
using the same character set. Problems like what you're seeing are
usually caused when one program is using ISO-8859-1 and another is
using UTF-8.
Mark Wagner
Mediawiki-api mailing list