Agree. Don't sunset the existing API.  It would break my application.

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On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 11:19 AM, Chad <> wrote:
On Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Platonides <> wrote:
> On 08/11/12 16:17, Chad wrote:
>> Assuming we did it like last time (when query.php was replaced with api.php),
>> we would allow the two APIs to co-exist for a period of time, but with
>> a declared
>> end of life for the old interface.
>> Although considering that the number of people using api.php is many factors
>> more than were ever using query.php--the sunset period should be much much
>> longer this time.
>> -Chad
> I don't think it would be wise to remove the current api.

I don't either, I was just responding hypothetically.

> Yes, it may be cool to use a PUT verb for storing wikitext in a page
> (aka. doing an edit). But we don't want "coolness += 1; utility -= 100;"
> I'm not opposed to a new branch playing with that concept, but clearly
> separated, please.

Indeed--there's no harm in trying new things.

> Besides, I don't think that new developers look for "Does it have a REST
> interface?" when deciding if making an application.
> Things like "Is it well documented?" are much more important, and IMHO
> we are doing a good job there. Not to mention the fact of having
> existing libraries, of which we have a good number.

This is very important--we're not the only consumers of our own API.
We've got hundreds (thousands?) of other consumers as well--all of
whom should be considered.

> Trashing existing documentation, people knowledge and libraries in
> exchange of a cool concept is a big no-no.

This is the most important point. We could make the coolest API
on earth--but what good is it if we've caused developers tons of
man-hours fixing their scripts (for no real gain on their end)

> Long live the existing api!



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