Hi everybody,

I ask here for help. Hope this is the right place. I searched for issues for my problem on the web but unsuccesfully at time.

I have installed a mediawiki and use API.php in an ksh script with curl to update my wiki

It works fine except for accents.

I have realised many tests but no one succeed.

exemple of the probleme . I have this character.

"Cette page est mise � jour automatiquement"

I have n problem with accent when I update the page normally"

Do you have an idea for my problem ? Charset?

here is the curl request i send

curl --dump-header headers.txt --progress-bar -g --header  "Accept-Language: fr;Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8;Connection: Keep-Alive" --user-agent "test/upload" -b ${COOKIES_FILE} -c ${COOKIES_FILE} -d "format=xml&action=edit&title=${PAGE2EDIT}&text=$(cat ${WIKITABLE
2IMPORT})&token=${EDIT_TOKEN}" ${WIKI_URL}/api.php

the wiki is not visible on internet. intranet use ;o(

Sorry for my poor english. I am french and have lot problems with these accents!