
There's already a missing attribute that is returned by the API when the page doesn't exist (whether it has never existed or has been deleted).
That seems to be the correct information to rely on.

Example : http://fr.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?rvprop=content|ids|timestamp&prop=revisions|info&action=query&titles=Synapse_Graphics&format=xml


On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 12:56 AM, Nolan White <nolan.j.white@gmail.com> wrote:
Regarding the suggestion to return the pageid of deleted pages: I don't mind if this is implemented somehow, but there needs to be something that changes if the page has actually been deleted. It would be easy enough for me to change, but the current behavior, where the pageid isn't returned, is a behavior that I currently rely on. Something needs to say that, despite the fact that the pageid is being return, the page itself is in a deleted state.


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