when that bug is fixed in commons, vietnamese wiktionary and others? my 2 sample queries still produce the same results (4 duplicated pages).

2008/2/18, Bryan Tong Minh <bryan.tongminh@gmail.com>:
On 2/18/08, Carl Beckhorn <cbeckhorn@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 17, 2008 at 07:43:53PM +0100, Bryan Tong Minh wrote:
> > Fixed in r31034.
> Will this also fix the problem that sometimes not all pages in the
> category are returned? The sooner that can be fixed and synced, the
> better.
> To test the problem, try to download a list of all pages in a big
> category, like [[Category:Stub-Class mathematics articles]], with
> cmlimit set to a small number, like 5.  Right now I get 44 pages
> that way, including numerous duplicates, before the API stops
> providing a cmcontinue token.
> - Carl
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No, it does not, unless that bug was accidentily caused by this same
bug. I'll take a look once the Wikimedia servers have been


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