added bug: 20563


Roan Kattouw wrote:
2009/8/20 Michael Dale <>:
Is there a reason "Module recentchanges cannot be used as a generator" ?

The real reason is probably "it was never done". A hurdle I can think
of right now is that while you probably want recentchanges to generate
revisions instead of pages (so that
generator=recentchanges&prop=revisions does what you expect), but not
all entries in recentchanges are revisions: some are log events that
have no associated revision (like user rights changes). There's also
the other issue that a module can either output its result (normal
mode) or pass it to another module (generator), but can't do both.
This means that when using RC as a generator you'll essentially use
all the extra information RC provides; the only information you get
about the RC result is which titles it contained. Adding an option to
list the intermediate result should not be very difficult and sounds
like a good idea. I'll open a bug about this when I have time.

Roan Kattouw (Catrope)

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