Hi,Maybe pywikibot will be more better than doing this using clean Bash. Have a look at Manual:Pywikibot at MediaWiki.org.Best,Martin UrbanecDne po 30. led 2017 20:20 uživatel geoffreydebelie <geoffreydebelie@zoho.com> napsal:_______________________________________________Mediawiki-api mailing listHi,I'm trying to append text to a page as logged in MediaWiki user from within Bash.I tried this, but it's very outdated:I had updated it to this:I want to use this: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Edit#Editing_pages -> appendtextCan someone please provide me with at least a partial solution? I'm lost.Kind regards,Geoffrey De Belie_______________________________________________Mediawiki-api mailing list