Thank you Ed,

indeed, I am looking for smthing like this!
I see your examples, is it possible to extend the json in order to get also the curid of articles, not only the url and titles of wiki pages?

Could you also add an example of how to use the list=geosearch api ?
(this is wrong ..  :) )

thank you!

On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 10:07 PM, Ed Summers <> wrote:
You might be interested in the list=geosearch API call. I used it in
my demo service ici, which displays articles about your current

I actually ended up pulling out the api querying bits into a separate
Javascript library called wikigeo that takes some coordinates, and
will query the Wikipedia API, and format the results as GeoJSON for
easy placement on Leaflet or Google Maps.


On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 3:40 PM, Luigi Assom <> wrote:
> Hi,
> wiki exposes the nearby search of articles:
> I now you can use prop=coordinates to expose the coordinates of one article.
> Is there any api to expose the nearby service for fetching articles close to
> one's coordinate?
> How to do the nearby above?
> --
> Luigi Assom
> Skype contact: oggigigi
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Luigi Assom

Skype contact: oggigigi