Correct, both are throttled. The limits are less than 10/day, iirc. They also depend on your auto confirmed status. We've unfortunately had the feature abused badly in the past.

If you need to send more, you need to get your account approved as a bot, or put on the throttle exemption list. That will probably require some community discussion about what you're doing and what you need, then a bureaucrat can give you right.

On Apr 8, 2013 6:29 AM, "Brad Jorsch" <> wrote:

On Apr 8, 2013 2:21 AM, "Prabhavathi Matta" <> wrote:
> Does this mean, I exceeded limit for my  ip address or for that user?

There are limits on both, I believe. But as others have pointed out, you probably shouldn't be doing this in this way, anyway.

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