Another, more reusable solution would be to add OpenID support for both (it probably exists already) and have one of them to be a provider for another one plus, maybe configure them to use 'immediate' response for the same-domain logins (might require additional coding).
> WebSnail wrote:
> > Sorry to drag this thread back up but I'd appreciate some insight
> into the
> > login API and whether my approach has any chance of working or if I'm
> > barking up the wrong tree.
> >
> > I'm trying to write a modification for phpBB2 that would allow any
> > successful login to phpBB2 to automatically login to the mediawiki
> install
> > on the same domain.
> >
> > I was successful in using the code below to get the server to login
> using
> > the user and password supplied in the phpBB2 login BUT I quickly
> realised
> > that the cookie information was being associated with the server IP
> and not
> > back to the users browser.
> >
> > So, my question is can I use the API in media wiki this way or am I
> > completely out to lunch here?
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> > Martin
> You're better using an auth plugin. I'm sure there's already one for
> PhpBB login.
There is something out there already but the problem is that it's in the
wrong direction, ie you have to login using mediawiki instead of the other
way round.
Ordinarily this wouldn't be a problem but the phpBB2 login also handles the
Gallery2 and a number of other integrated tools too.
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