I understand what you are saying. However, I need to send surveys for doing the research. How should I get the permission? I have toolserver account stating the purpose of the project. Can I write a bot/batchprocess through toolserver? Right now, I am only testing with 5 users I created.


On Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 11:48 PM, Max Semenik <maxsem.wiki@gmail.com> wrote:
The answer is usually "don't send this stuff at all".

Do you realise that to run this tool, you need a permission from the
community, otherwise you'll end up blocked?

On 08.04.2013, 10:20 Prabhavathi wrote:

> Hi,

> I am working on an UC Berkeley research project to analyze
> wikipedia users' behaviour. As a part of the project, I am
> developing an application which sends a survey to a random sample of
> recent users. I am using mwclient code to send emails though API.
> After testing around 3-4 times, the email tokens are not getting
> generated anymore. I tried to send mails from different login user. It still gives the same error.

> When I tried to send email from website
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:EmailUser. It says," As an
> anti-spam measure, you are limited from performing this action too
> many times in a short space of time, and you have exceeded this
> limit. Please try again in a few minutes." It has been 8 hours since and I still get the same message.

> Does this mean, I exceeded limit for my  ip address or for that
> user? When I googled it, the rate limit seems to be about 1000 api
> calls. I have sent mails only to 3-4 test users for 5 times maximum.

> Which is a better way of sending emails to wikipedia users -
> Toolserver or wikimedia API? How should I handle sending bulk
> emails(about 100) without getting the "throttled message"?

> Please help.

> Thanks,
> Prabha
> UC Berkeley

Best regards,
  Max Semenik ([[User:MaxSem]])

Mediawiki-api mailing list

Prabhavathi Matta
Master of Information Management and Systems, 2014
UC Berkeley, School of Information