Hi Platonides! Good to be back :)

By incomlete I meant that when you run an allpages generator and request links, the pllimit is for the total number of links combined from all pages. Which means that if there are 20 pages with 3 links each, and pllimit=10, the first result will have 3 complete pages and one page with just one link out of three.

The next result will return the missing 2 links for that page, two more complete pages, and another page with two links out of three. So my proposal is to mark those last pages "incomplete", so that users can handle this intelligently, and not assume that whatever links are listed are all the links there are.

On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 5:42 AM, Platonides <platonides@gmail.com> wrote:
On 15/12/12 11:37, Yuri Astrakhan wrote:
> Hi everyone, there seem to have been many great changes in the API,
> so I decided to take a look at improving my old bots a bit, together
> with the rest of the pywiki framework. While looking, a few thoughts
> and questions have occured that I hope someone could comment on.

Hi Yuri!
It's nice to see you.

> *Proposal:*
> Query() method from above should be able to take ALL continue values and
> append ALL of them to the next query, without knowing anything about
> them, and without removing or changing any of the original request
> parameters. Query() will do this until server returns a data block with
> no more <query-continue> section.

I'm not sure what's the case you mention of an incomplete page, can you
provide an example?

> Also, because the "page" objects might be incomplete between different
> data blocks, the user might need to know when a complete "page" object
> is returned. API should probably introduce an "incomplete" attribute on
> the page to indicate that the client should merge it with the page from
> the following data blocks with the same ID until there is no more
> "incomplete" flag. Page revision number could be used on the client to
> see if the page has been changed between calls:

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