I have just started to migrate from freebase to wikidata.
Basically my usecase involves free searching(suggest-as-you-type) for which i am using wbsearchentities. This returns me a list of results with id like "Q...". \
Now give this Qid, i need to be able to get its images and content.

For .e.g, for the text "Matrix", i make the following call:

From here, then I pick up one of the Qids, say,Q83495 for which I need to get images.

The problem is the imageapi doesent seem to like the Qid form. Do i first need to convert to pageid??

I thought this should have worked: https://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=pageimages&format=jsonfm&piprop=thumbnail&titles=Q83495

Any suggestions?
