Hi Robert, thanks! :)
Ok, the source code created by this render feature is not that enormous as the normal source code ;)
So this really seems to be the only chance to get the stuff i want - hm, i hoped thereŽll be a solution which exports me everything in XML-format. Looks like iŽve got to parse it by myself.

Thanks to everbody for helping me :)

2010/3/17 Robert Ullmann <rlullmann@gmail.com>
Sorry, should have been more specific. It isn't an API function, it is
done with the usual index.php.

You want to do something like:


which gives simpler HTML than the page generated for browsers. If you
look at the source HTML returned you'll see how much easier it is to
deal with than the entire GUI page ;-)


On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Sascha Bonnemann
<sascha.bonnemann@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Ah, ok, so iŽve got to deal with this "render-thing" ;)
> But render isnŽt an action parameter as i see in the api documentation.
> What did you mean exactly with action=render?
> Thanks to everybody for the kindly help.
> Sascha

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