What's the number of Content-Lengths of these php scripts ?
<?php header("Content-Length: 6"); echo "Hello\n";
2 content lengths shown.
header("Content-Length: 6");
header("Content-Length: 6");
echo "Hello\n";
2 content lengths shown.
For the heck of it I used this:
header("Content-Length: 6");
header("Content-Length: 6");
header("Content-Length: 6");
echo "Hello\n";
Still only 2 content lengths shown.
One must be served automatically and appended to the header, and the others are "merged" into one.
I ran web-sniffer with just a header request on the 3 header set above and got:
Content-Length: 6
Content-Length: 0
Same for all of them, whether there is 2, 3 or 4 header sets in the php script.
The only time the Content-Length vanished from the header was when I requested just the header without setting the Content-Length.
So the question becomes, since this server is forcing the Content-Length to be appended to the header, how do I stop the API from writing the extra Content-Length to the header?
Thanks for your help!
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