On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 07:22, Sylvain GOUJON gouje.systemes@gmail.com wrote:
Hi everybody,
I ask here for help. Hope this is the right place. I searched for issues for my problem on the web but unsuccesfully at time.
I have installed a mediawiki and use API.php in an ksh script with curl to update my wiki
It works fine except for accents.
I have realised many tests but no one succeed.
exemple of the probleme . I have this character.
"Cette page est mise � jour automatiquement"
I have n problem with accent when I update the page normally"
Do you have an idea for my problem ? Charset?
here is the curl request i send
curl --dump-header headers.txt --progress-bar -g --header "Accept-Language: fr;Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8;Connection: Keep-Alive" --user-agent "test/upload" -b ${COOKIES_FILE} -c ${COOKIES_FILE} -d "format=xml&action=edit&title=${PAGE2EDIT}&text=$(cat ${WIKITABLE 2IMPORT})&token=${EDIT_TOKEN}" ${WIKI_URL}/api.php
Yes, it's probably related to character sets. You need to make sure that everything you're using (ksh, curl, MediaWiki, and so on) is using the same character set. Problems like what you're seeing are usually caused when one program is using ISO-8859-1 and another is using UTF-8.