Normal logins are fine.  I can try your suggestion, but I'm a little a-scared.

There are some complexities to the auth in this system.  It's a custom plugin that I wrote to accommodate both the users remote system (CAS) and local logins.  Both the local and the remote ones work.


On Sep 8, 2011, at 5:34 PM, Platonides wrote:

Aaron Kitzmiller wrote:
Does anyone know if there are particular issues with logging in to the
MediaWiki API when memcached is used for session information?

I'm using the Perl MediaWiki::Bot to login to a 1.16 MediaWiki. When
php.ini is modified to use files for session information, the Perl code
works. When php.ini is modified to use memcached, then the Perl code
doesn't work.

Aaron K.

That's odd. Do normal logins work?
What happens if you store sessions in memcached with MediaWiki handler
($wgSessionsInMemcached = true) ?

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Aaron Kitzmiller
The BioTeam, Inc.
Phone/fax: (888)-334-7673