Hi All,

I have started working on music project which uses data from wikipedia for Artist and Album related information. Wanted to know your opinion if this is the right way to do it.

Getting data for Artist - I am using http://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&rvprop=content&format=xml&titles=Madonna_%28entertainer%29&rvsection=0 API call to fetch data for Bio and baseball card information for the Artist.

Getting Album data for each artist -  I will be using same API to fetch Discography information for the Artist.

Image Fetch - Open Items for me are to fetch images for artists and album art. Has anyone already done a similar kind of work, where we can download images related to particular category instead of getting complete wiki dump. In my case, I just want to have all images related to Artists and Album. Or if it’s possible I could query runtime to fetch image urls from wiki.

We have extensive caching in place to make sure we are not doing un-necessary wiki API hits. Any thoughts/feedback is appreciated.
