I'm building an application that will hopefully use Wiktionary words and
definitions as a data source. In my queries, I'd like to be able to search
for all Wiktionary entries that are similar to some terms in either the
title or definition, but also all titles must end in a specified suffix.
For example, I want to find all Wiktionary entries that contain the words
"large dog", like this:
But further filter the results to only contain entries with titles ending
with "d". So in that example, "boarhound", "Saint Bernard", and "unleashed"
would be returned.
Is this possible with the MediaWiki search API? Do you have any
Previous announcement:
During the 1.25 development cycle, the API has been warning you if you're
specifying neither the "continue" nor "rawcontinue" parameters to
action=query. Recently this warning was targeted more specifically to
queries that actually return continuation data. The time is coming soon for
making this change, so please check your bots, bot frameworks, scripts, and
so on to ensure that you won't be broken when this change is made.
If you want to continue using your existing continuation code unchanged,
all you need to do is add the "rawcontinue" parameter to your action=query
If you'd rather change to the easier-to-get-right new style, add an empty
"continue" parameter to your initial action=query queries. See
https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Query#Continuing_queries for details on
the new mechanism.
If you do nothing, sometime in the next few months your code will likely
start thinking that no queries ever need continuation when the default is
changed to return the new 'continue' node rather than the old
'query-continue'. I'll send an announcement when the specific date is
decided, but I don't promise more than a week's notice.
Brad Jorsch (Anomie)
Software Engineer
Wikimedia Foundation
Mediawiki-api-announce mailing list
Hello there,
I just want to get only English word from this WIKTIONARY API URL
http://en.wiktionary.org/w/api.php?action=query&list=random&format=json .
which parameter should i include in this URL to fulfill the requirement?
shoul i have to use different url? (yes) which one?
Thank you
it seems that documentation about action=edit
<https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Edit> doesn't cover all possible
I just found that when I tried to save a page which contains an URL to a
blacklisted site (when trying to remove the nowiki tags around an URL
in an article
on frwiki
My program, WPCleaner, didn't warn me of a problem because the answer was
not in a format described in the doc:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<api batchcomplete="">
<page ns="1" title="Discussion:Ruud Jolie/À faire" missing=""
contentmodel="wikitext" pagelanguage="fr">
<protection />
Is this normal ? Are there other formats for answers ?
The documentation only covers answers in the format api/edit/result or the
classic error reporting mechanism.
I ended up manually removing the entire link