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------Исходное сообщение------ От: maps-l-request@lists.wikimedia.org Кому: maps-l@lists.wikimedia.org,maps-l-request@lists.wikimedia.org Дата: 16 Сентябрь 2011 г. 15:40:34 GMT+00:00 Тема: Maps-l Digest, Vol 29, Issue 4
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Today's Topics:
1. Re: Starting of re-rendering all tiles (Tim Alder) 2. Re: Starting of re-rendering all tiles (Stephan Knauss) 3. Re: Starting of re-rendering all tiles (Kai Krueger) 4. Re: Starting of re-rendering all tiles +Performance (Tim Alder) 5. Re: Starting of re-rendering all tiles (Stephan Knauss) 6. Re: Starting of re-rendering all tiles (Julian Picht) 7. Re: Starting of re-rendering all tiles (Tim Alder) 8. Other OpenLayer maps (OpenSeaMap) (church.of.emacs.ml) 9. Re: Other OpenLayer maps (OpenSeaMap) (Tim Alder) 10. Possible tirex render queue bug? (Kay Drangmeister)
Message: 1 Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 11:49:55 +0200 From: Tim Alder tim.alder@s2002.tu-chemnitz.de Subject: Re: [Maps-l] Starting of re-rendering all tiles To: Map integration maps-l@lists.wikimedia.org Message-ID: 4E6C8443.6070905@s2002.tu-chemnitz.de Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Am 10.09.2011 01:44, schrieb Kay Drangmeister:
Hi Kolossos,
What is filling the "dirty" queue? The re-render should only fill the "systema" queue, shouldn't it? Currently the "dirty" queue is 11k entries.
mod_tile is still running and filling the queue. I restarted tirex an hour ago and set prio of this dirty files to 99. I had the hope that it so ignored by tirex, but doesn't work.
We are rendering now high density areas around amsterdam and running with many styles in timeouts at zoom-level 9 (x=264 y=160). I will think about to remove zoom-level 9 from my list. Other ideas?
What's not good is that we have in the moment 70 seq. scans and 12 index scans.
"vacuum full" was broken after 2.5 day. I hope somebody else could install the postgres_upgrade_fix.
Next question, what is filling the bulk queue (4k entries)? :-)
I don't know.
how is the age being calculated in the queues?
I don't know. Is this important?
Greetings Kolossos
Kind regards, Kay
Message: 2 Date: Sun, 11 Sep 2011 19:33:39 +0200 From: Stephan Knauss toolserver@stephans-server.de Subject: Re: [Maps-l] Starting of re-rendering all tiles To: maps-l@lists.wikimedia.org Message-ID: 4E6CF0F3.7050602@stephans-server.de Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
On 11.09.2011 11:49, Tim Alder wrote:
I hope somebody else could install the postgres_upgrade_fix.
was there an upgrade? If so then I understand the wiki we need a re-import as the db can not be repaired. The script is to prevent damage.
Message: 3 Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:29:15 -0600 From: Kai Krueger kakrueger@gmail.com Subject: Re: [Maps-l] Starting of re-rendering all tiles To: Map integration maps-l@lists.wikimedia.org Message-ID: 4E6E335B.5080209@gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
On 9/11/11 3:49 AM, Tim Alder wrote:
What's not good is that we have in the moment 70 seq. scans and 12 index scans.
"vacuum full" was broken after 2.5 day. I hope somebody else could install the postgres_upgrade_fix.
That's not so good either.
If I understood it correctly the postgres_upgrade_fix is only relevant if one updates postgresql. However, as far as I know, postgresql wasn't upgraded and it is still running 8.3. So I doubt this will fix anything.
So the question is how do we fix the database corruption? Is it necessary to do a full reimport?
In the mean time, until the corruption is fixed, can we turn off diff-imports. They are always erroring anyway and are adding load to the db, that could probably better be spent on rendering.
Message: 4 Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 23:22:19 +0200 From: Tim Alder tim.alder@s2002.tu-chemnitz.de Subject: Re: [Maps-l] Starting of re-rendering all tiles +Performance To: Map integration maps-l@lists.wikimedia.org Message-ID: 4E6E780B.3080908@s2002.tu-chemnitz.de Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
I stopped load-import.
Am 12.09.2011 18:29, schrieb Kai Krueger:
In the mean time, until the corruption is fixed, can we turn off diff-imports. They are always erroring anyway and are adding load to the db, that could probably better be spent on rendering.
Message: 5 Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 23:46:35 +0200 From: Stephan Knauss toolserver@stephans-server.de Subject: Re: [Maps-l] Starting of re-rendering all tiles To: maps-l@lists.wikimedia.org Message-ID: 4E6E7DBB.9030705@stephans-server.de Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
On 12.09.2011 18:29, Kai Krueger wrote:
I hope somebody else could install the postgres_upgrade_fix.
That's not so good either. If I understood it correctly the postgres_upgrade_fix is only relevant if one updates postgresql. However, as far as I know, postgresql wasn't upgraded and it is still running 8.3. So I doubt this will fix anything.
I had asked before. So if no upgrade happened this can't be the cause of the corruption. The script would also only prevent it from getting corrupted. If we don't have a backup then I sound like the db needs to be rebuild.
BTW: PostgreSQL 9.1 was just released... and osm2pgsql main development branch no longer supports intarray. This migration also needed a re-import.
Is this a hint that we should do a big upgrade? Could wait for the rendering to complete so we have some tiles still to deliver while the db rebuilds for a day or two.
Message: 6 Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 23:51:19 +0200 From: Julian Picht julian.picht@gmail.com Subject: Re: [Maps-l] Starting of re-rendering all tiles To: Map integration maps-l@lists.wikimedia.org Message-ID: CAMqQAJ_9AnKbV6eqMZxMMaT2FQxBGD-z75HQSPe5ehj1unMfFw@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
Couldn't we install the 9.1 and the new osm2pgsql in parallel, do a fresh import there and than switch over? Or isn't there enough disk space?
2011/9/12 Stephan Knauss toolserver@stephans-server.de
On 12.09.2011 18:29, Kai Krueger wrote:
I hope somebody else could install the postgres_upgrade_fix.
That's not so good either. If I understood it correctly the postgres_upgrade_fix is only relevant if one updates postgresql. However, as far as I know, postgresql wasn't upgraded and it is still running 8.3. So I doubt this will fix anything.
I had asked before. So if no upgrade happened this can't be the cause of the corruption. The script would also only prevent it from getting corrupted. If we don't have a backup then I sound like the db needs to be rebuild.
BTW: PostgreSQL 9.1 was just released... and osm2pgsql main development branch no longer supports intarray. This migration also needed a re-import.
Is this a hint that we should do a big upgrade? Could wait for the rendering to complete so we have some tiles still to deliver while the db rebuilds for a day or two.
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