Hey Colin,

Thanks for notifying me about the typo.

Maps does not support multiple base layers and overlays for OSM at the moment. So no, you can't get a Hike & Bike map, and you can't activate hillshading or by night layers. I could add support for such things, but then I'd need to know several things:
* What's the datasource for this map? I both need to know where the tiles are fetched for dynamic maps, and where I can get a static version, and what that request should look like.
* How should the base layers and layers be made configurable? Should the user be able to specify them via wiki code or not? And if so, what should that code preferably look like?
* How many of such base layers and layers should be supported? A handful, or multiple dozens?
The OSM maps also do not have special support for printing. If you can refer me to some doc explaining how that works, I'll implement it.


Jeroen De Dauw
* Forum: code.bn2vs.com
* Blog: blog.bn2vs.com
* Skype: rts.bn.vs

Don't panic. Don't be evil. 70 72 6F 67 72 61 6D 6D 69 6E 67 20 34 20 6C 69 66 65!


Colin Marquardt cmarqu42 at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 21 19:13:31 UTC 2009
While I cannot say anything about the specific questions you raised, I
noticed a typo: in the activatable maps in
http://wiki.bn2vs.com/wiki/Static_map, it says "OpenStreetMaps" with
an "s" at the end - which is wrong :)

I cannot play with the code easily, so I cannot check if it supports
overlays that I would need for
http://toolserver.org/~cmarqu/hikebike.html - check the hillshading
and "by night" layers.

Does it have any special support for printing? Because the attribution
for OSM should then be changed from a clickable "CC-by-SA" link to the
fully written URL. And I guess the attribution should be shown by
default. Some people in OSM are a bit overzealous about that