Servus Klaus,
schön mal wieder von Dir zu hören, wenn auch von einer abonnierten Liste. Falls Du Hilfe brauchst sag bescheid, mit Tile-Rendering kennen wir uns aus...
Hello everyone,
my name is Klaus Bechtold from Berlin, the guy behind the hobby project
and one-man-show ( As you know, many
of the map mashups or community must change from Google Maps to
alternatives (because we're over the limit of 25.000 API calls a day).
I just changed to the new JS API from Cloudmade, called Leaflet and I am
using the free MapQuest maps (which are good, but not good enough for
outdoor people). I'm also using also some other maps, like OpenCycleMaps
or the great hikebike maps of Colin Marquardt.
Next time I'm planning to produce own tiles for The (3 new)
servers are running and we must now configure it, but this will take
some time.
Now to my question. I just called Colin ( and I asked
him, if (only the website, no mobile devices) could deliver
the tiles by a caching proxy of - as the new standard
maps of Colin said, he had no problem with it, but I should
ask you, if it would be ok for the load and traffic of the toolserver
GPSies has about 30.000 (winter) to 100.000 (sommer) page views with
maps a day. Most of the users are from Germany (50%). Most of the tracks
are from almost the same regions.
I'd be appreciate, if you would allow my the tiles caching of your
server. I also like to donate.
Best regards from Berlin, Germany
Klaus Bechtold
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