Wikimaps invites you to a geodata roundtable at Wikimania DevCamp on Wednesday August 7th. Possible topics:
* Towards a historical gazetteer with geodata in Wikidata. Time to voice the needs.
* Embedding slippy maps in Wikipedia articles. Create a roadmap / best practices, fill in missing bits.
* Presenting projects that use geodata.
* Wikimaps will present the georeferencing prototype.
Please sign in at
The roundtable is part of 3 Wikimaps events during the week:
Wikimaps Tartu–Hong Kong
Aug 4, Workshop at the State of the Map Baltics
* Workshopping reuse possibilities for old Tartu maps
Aug 7, Wikimaps roundtable at DevCamp in Wikimania
* Demonstrating georeferencing with the Tartu maps
Aug 10, OHM code sprint & Wikimaps presentation
* Demonstrating the digitizing process together with the OHM, using the Tartu maps.
You will find more information about Wikimaps at We'll document the events on the pages.
Looking forward to seeing you in Hong Kong!