Hello, we have now an up-to-date database, and expiring is working again. I start to rendering all tiles z=9-18 systematically, that are watched in the last 64 days and older than 3 days (because expire didn't work a long time). I put additional z=16-18 in the batch because it is else difficult to handle in different processes.
We rendering 150-200 tiles/min what is really nice.
There are 3 Mio. tiles in the batch so it will need around 11 days.
After this we need to re-render only tiles that are older than a year because expiring is again working, so there will be than much fewer tiles to handle.
Greetings Kolossos
Am 21.08.2011 14:11, schrieb Tim Alder:
The plan is that if we catched up we will reactivated the expire-script and begin than to render all tiles z=9-15 systematically, after this we will rendering systematically all tiles that are older than a year (expired) and repeat this if we are done. I'm not sure what we do with z=16-18, I would say we do this like in the past.
Greetings Tim
Am 21.08.2011 13:24, schrieb Peter Körner:
someome suggested to turn down rendering until the database has catched up. I did this by disabling the dirty queue, so that the missing tiles are still rendered.