On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Peter Körner
<osm-lists@mazdermind.de> wrote:
It is possible to connect to the local postgres-db, although it is very
outdated (it's from 2009-07-15) and not updated at the moment. It is
also possible to connect to the sql-servers.
Tools may be written in php, perl or python, although i can't guarantee
that everything will work in every language right now, but i don't see
any problems that can't be resolve by a ticket in jira.
I think i could write a beginners-guide on how to use cassini (I'd
propose https://wiki.toolserver.org/view/Cassini/Usage_notes) but at the
moment it's not too useful as the main database is not updated.
I worked around this by once doing an import of all country-nodes from
the (outdated) postgresql-database into my mysql-db and have them
checked regularly against the api. This works for countries (no support
for new nodes, only ~230 nodes to fetch) but if you'd like to do
something similar on a city-level, this wouldn't work anymore.
So what is needed to get the database updated? I don't think we'll need
a root-user to do this, just someone with write-perms on /sql and maybe
a file under /etc/cron.d/. I never set up a postgres-db with
hourly/minutely diff-support but I think I could give it a try, if this
would be ok. On the other hand, if someone already has experience whith
such a setup, he's welcome to do this.
Any suggestions?
The osm planet needs to be re-imported into the mapnik PostgresSQL database, with the intarray (_int.sql) module enabled on the gis database before doing the import.
This requires either root access or sudo privileges to run commands as user postgres. I have submitted a jira ticket, requesting sudo privileges so that I can work on this.
Once planet osm is re-imported, the database will be setup to handle regular imports of OSM .osc diff files using osm2pgsql.