I keep receiving this message along with the correct message about mails on hold. I suppose it's some kind of bug?
Thanks, Paulo
De: unblock-pt-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org Date: sábado, 29/05/2021 à(s) 09:21 Subject: 13 Unblock-pt-l moderator request(s) waiting To: unblock-pt-l-owner@lists.wikimedia.org
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That's https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T282319
Shutting down mm2 will fix this but with IRC issues, we had to put the mailman work on pause for a bit. The patches are ready and I hope we can shut down mm2 early next week.
On Sat, May 29, 2021 at 2:33 PM Paulo Santos Perneta < paulosperneta@gmail.com> wrote:
I keep receiving this message along with the correct message about mails on hold. I suppose it's some kind of bug?
Thanks, Paulo
De: unblock-pt-l-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org Date: sábado, 29/05/2021 à(s) 09:21 Subject: 13 Unblock-pt-l moderator request(s) waiting To: unblock-pt-l-owner@lists.wikimedia.org
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