I applaud this initiative.


On 24 August 2015 at 17:10, Daniel Zahn <dzahn@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hello list admins,

we have found that globally we had over half a million
mails in mailman lists that were not moderated.

So that means they got held in the moderation queues but were not
accepted or discarded.

We have started deleting the oldest ones first (over 1 year old) then
moved to (older than 6 months).

We are planning to setup an automated cron job to do this
automatically in the background.

Currently the plan is to delete all messages that are held and older
than 90 days.

Please let us know if any concerns and moderate a bit more if this
affects your list.

Thank you and best regards,


Daniel Zahn <dzahn@wikimedia.org>
Operations Engineer

Listadmins mailing list