Dear Wikimedia Listadmins,

I'm writing to you all to say farewell, as I have retired from my listadmin roles for Wikimania-l and Wikimedia-Asia-Chapters.

It was nice to catch up with many of you in person at Wikimania 2023, and also online in recent months. In the run-up to Wikimania though, it became apparent to me that new real-life duties in recent years mean that I no longer have the quick-response availability to operate effectively as a listadmin, and I had decided that after Wikimania 2023 would be a good time to step down.

It has been a joy to serve as a Wikimedia listadmin for the last 10 years(!). For now I'm continuing as a casual on-wiki volunteer; so you can still find me at Cantonese Wikipedia or English Wikipedia; or simply write to my personal email address here. But for now it's farewell from me as listadmin and I'll be unsubscribing from listadmins-l shortly. Thank you for all the stroopwafels!

With much wiki-love,