I'm replying back to the list, rather than just to Deryck, so others know its being handled.

Deryck: You are listed as a list moderator, not a list administrator, for the wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org mailing list.

If you would like, we can remove you as a moderator.  Please feel free to reply back to me directly off-list and we'll get it handled!

On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 9:47 AM, Deryck Chan <deryckchan@wikimedia.hk> wrote:
Hello listadmins and sysadmins,

I've continued to receive bounce emails for wikimania-l through wikimania-l-owner@lists.wikimedia.org , even though I have not known the password of the list since the late 2015 Wikimedia-wide password reset and https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l isn't showing me as an admin.

The fact that I'm getting bounce emails without being able to respond to them is driving me nuts... Can a sysadmin figure out what happened, please?


Listadmins mailing list

Rob Halsell
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Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
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