I have also received the email from Wikimania-l. Only from there. Mailman / Posterious / ?? shows that I am currently not a member of the mailinglist.KuboF Hromoslav_______________________________________________st 18. 1. 2023 o 12:08 Deryck Chan <deryckchan@gmail.com> napísal(a):Hi listadmins,Many subscribers to wikimania-l received a "You have been unsubscribed from the Wikimania-l mailing list" email today, despite the fact that we are certainly still subscribed (and are discussing these false messages on-list).Has this happened with any other lists?--Deryckwikimania-l listadmin, [[User:Deryck Chan]]_______________________________________________On Tue, 4 Oct 2022 at 14:30, Deryck Chan <deryckchan@gmail.com> wrote:Nick,This is very clear, thank you.--DeryckOn Fri, 2 Sept 2022 at 21:25, Nick Wilson (Quiddity) <nwilson@wikimedia.org> wrote:_______________________________________________On Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 5:21 AM Federico Leva (Nemo) <nemowiki@gmail.com> wrote:Il 19/11/21 14:00, Amir Sarabadani ha scritto:
> Lots of spammers send spam or virus or phishing emails to
> *-owner@ which mailman happily forwards to listadmins. But your server
> (e.g. Gmail), actually rejects those emails
For those users, who were presumably happy about receiving less spam,
the probe messages themselves might look like an increase in spam.
Maybe the probe message could be turned into something that actually
contains useful information, for instance: "If you see messages come
through the mailing list as expected, this may mean that your email
provider blocked some unwanted messages from delivery, for instance
spam: in that case, no action is required". Alternatively, that call to
action "Please examine this message" etc. may be made less imperative.
However it may not be worth optimising these messages if only few people
are receiving them in spurious cases.
I get a probe bounce once/month or so, usually for wikitech-ambassadors@After forgetting about this thread, I almost filed a phab task, to ask if we could make the message clearer.But then I re-found this thread, and per Nemo's thought that it might not be worth the effort of a technical change (and thinking about future software-maintenance/translations/etc), I decided to simply document it in a new section onwiki.I haven't marked the page as "ready for translation" yet, in case more edits are needed for accuracy or clarity (please do!)
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Listadmins mailing list -- listadmins@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to listadmins-leave@lists.wikimedia.org
To request technical changes for a specific list, please instead create a task in Phabricator. See https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists
Listadmins mailing list -- listadmins@lists.wikimedia.org
To unsubscribe send an email to listadmins-leave@lists.wikimedia.org
To request technical changes for a specific list, please instead create a task in Phabricator. See https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists