Thats a great idea! The Wikipedia 15 page has plenty of information on creating local swag to celebrate Wikipedia 15 :

Moreover, at the Wikipedia Library, we created a bookshelf of outreach tools we have used in the past:

Phoebe Ayer is talking about doing a one-page share, and special shout out to Jessamyn West for giving the 1lib1ref page a facelift:  

We look forward to whichever communications materials you develop.



On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 10:17 PM, Proffitt,Merrilee <> wrote:

Great idea Roy. I’m not going to be on hand at ALA but I’m putting out feelers to see if there is interest in attending virtual office hours, to provide a helping hand to librarians who may need some help making the leap to reading (and in some cases critiquing) to contributing. I want this to be a very positive experience for everyone who participates.




From: Libraries [] On Behalf Of Tennant,Roy
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2015 7:14 PM
To: Wikimedia & Libraries; Mailing list for the Wikipedia Library project

Subject: Re: [libraries] Wikipedia Library Reference (#1Lib1Ref) drive for Wikipedia 15


The American Library Association Midwinter Conference is happening just prior to this project[1]. I think it would be great to have some sort of cool promotional swag to hand out there. I know I would spread it around, and I also know lots of other people who would be more than happy to promote this. It seems like a wonderful opportunity to outreach to librarians who many not be as plugged into Wikipedia as they could be. I have a lot of connections that I would be happy to call upon to help with this effort.


I don't think it needs to be much -- a sticker? A ribbon to stick on your conference badge? I'm nearly 60 years old, so I will leave it to the imagination of others as to the best mechanism to build excitement among the younger crowd that is more likely to "get it" and participate. But I also believe this is an opportunity that is too good to pass up. Let's make this a meme.




From: Libraries <> on behalf of Alex Stinson <>
Reply-To: Wikimedia & Libraries <>
Date: Friday, December 11, 2015 at 10:08 AM
To: Wikimedia Chapters cultural partners coordination <>, Mailing list for the Wikipedia Library project <>, North American Cultural Partnerships <>, Wikimedia & Libraries <>, Alex Stinson <>, Jacob Orlowitz <>
Subject: Re: [libraries] Wikipedia Library Reference (#1Lib1Ref) drive for Wikipedia 15


Hi All, 


We could still use some help translating and sharing the #1lib1ref. 


I recently got a request for translation templates at . It would be great to prep the page for translation in multiple languages, but we could use some help implementing the translation extension for the page on meta. 


Thanks much, 


Alex Stinson


On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Alex Stinson <> wrote:

Hi all,


At the Wikipedia Library, we wanted to find a strategy for help our network participate in the momentousWikipedia ‘15 celebrations. 

We regularly talk with library advocacy groups like the International Librarians Network, international library networks like IFLA and DLF, professional publications like Infodocket, and scholarly publishers like JSTOR and Project Muse.  All of these have large networks of library professionals active in social media spaces and have expressed the desire to get more involved with Wikipedia.


To engage them for Wikipedia 15, we are creating a ‘mega microcontributions drive’ called #1LIB1REF.  We are going to run a week-long global campaign focused on librarians adding references to Wikipedia articles that need more or better citations.  The goal is simple: every librarian in the world adding one reference to a Wikipedia article, and then telling the world about it.


The campaign page describing how this will work is a live draft on Meta:


We need GLAM-Wiki and TWL coordinators to help achieve broad impact with the campaign.  We are looking for help with the following:

·         Feedback/improvements to the main campaign page

·         Signing up to be a help contact in the "Contact a library leader" section

·         Help with internationalization (i.e. adding translation tags, ensuring instructions for language-specific community policies, adding links to maintenance categories or tools for language editions not yet represented, etc)

·         Sharing the campaign with Library or Archive partners in your community, and asking them to support it (We can include them as official partners during the week, if their social media team help share the campaign)

·         Preparing or encouraging others to write blog posts and social media for the Wikipedia 15 conversation focused on libraries and Wikipedia (for example blog posts, see this post for ILN or this post about the State Library of New South Wales )

·         Update GLAM-Wiki Contact pages like

·         Tweeting, lots of tweeting (and retweeting) and sharing on other social media platforms


We hope that the #1LIB1REF campaign will help spread the word about librarians not only trusting Wikipedia but contributing research support to make it even better.


In turn, we hope this campaign creates more interest in your local communities about GLAM-Wiki, Wikipedia’s role in Libraries, and how to improve Wikipedia’s support of research for both Wikipedia readers and editors. 

Please let us know how you plan to participate!



The Wikipedia Library Team


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