Dear all,
I have a vacancy in my group which should be especially of interest for people who are into Wikisource and/or Wikidata.
We are looking for a Wikipedian in Residence for a duration of up to three years.
The Job is part of a new project “NOA – The replication of open access images: development of a method for automatic harvesting, indexing and provision of open access images from technical subjects using the infrastructure of Wikimedia Commons and Wikidata”.
You will play a leading role in the conceptual design of harvesting Open Access articles issued by various publishers.
Have a look at the full English job description here:
Please note that applications should be send before 12th August 2016!
For any questions about the project and the job, please contact me. I’m looking forward to all questions and applications!
Lambert Heller
Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)
German National Library of Science and Technology
Open Science Lab
Welfengarten 1 B // 30167 Hannover, Germany