I think perhaps that "property type" here doesn't mean "intellectual property", but wikidata / field types.
However, if it is "intellectual property", in the US a citation would likely not be copyrightable, as it is purely factual information arranged in a standard format.
Citations are copyright whoever composes them; however, it is is hard to
imagine a citation that would not fall under fair use.
> 6 Work / Werk / Ĺ’uvre
> Something that I thought about when going over this is citations. What
> property type - if any - are Citations?
> Ususally a citation is not fundamental to an article. It's very possible
> that two different language will cite one article differently. Yet in the
> cases that either a) two languages share a citation, or b) there is a
> "seminal" work on the topic, it might be worth having a Citation property
> to point to in Wikidata.
> What's the best way to handle this? I would think that you could have a
> citation datatype which is a "Pair" the first part of the pair, is the
> mode of the citation, and the second half would be another
> wikidata-property. So if you were citing a book, you'd have
> Book (Cite mode) | author, edition, isbn (wikidata property)
> I don't know if that's encompassing enough. Thoughts?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Federico Leva (Nemo) [mailto:nemowiki@gmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, February 11, 2013 2:07 PM
> To: Wikimedia & Libraries
> Subject: Re: [libraries] Call to arms for librarians
> I don't understand if this is or will be in a "poll" phase or not.
> Also, what exactly should be done about this mess of proposals for item
> types?
> ...
> Nemo
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