Forwarding from cultural partners list, 
it seems a wonderful idea to me. 


2012/6/11 Alex <>

I'm proud to announce an agreement with the Libraries dept of the government of Catalonia for expanding wiki culture among citizens and librarians.

Some projects:

During the next weeks I will be giving some Wikipedia workshops to Librarians around Catalonia

2) they are funding a print of 1500 "welcome to Wikipedia" manuals in Catalan, to spread them among libraries all around Catalonia

3) the project is about to : teaching to fish: we want the librarians to be our territorial network for helping Wikipedia, including a possible Wikipedia point in every library with some stickers like: want to wiki? Ask me how or something like this (still drafting )

Any other ideas will be welcomed

Alex Hinojo
Amical Wikipedia

Sent from my Casio

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