Hi all.
I think that Asaf idea is very interesting, but of course my ultimate and neverending goal is to have Wikisource being a part/partner of it :-)
I have very unclear ideas about this, but:
Micru (in copy) can explain more about this.
* couldn't we take all the Open Library data? are they CC0?
* how do you see the relationship of this with Wikipedia and Wikisource?
One of the things I think about most is the fact that in Wikisource we actually use some template ad hoc for cited authors and cited works.
Every blue link it's a wikilink to another Wikiosurce work/author page.
Moreover, at the bottom of the page you can see categories that list every citation of every author/work in Wikisource.
I think that these templates could convey (in a way I don't know) a "mentions" property in Wikidata:
ex. Book Q98 mentions Author Q42, or something like this.
Do we want a "cited thing/concept/item" template? That could link directly to Wikipedia, for example.
In my ideal digital library, this kind of annotations would be made upon a different layer, and not in the wikitext (as we are doing now).
Of course, I can and will discuss about this in the biblio-hackathon we will host at the National Library of Florence in October to the Pund.it folks